Every gay ever imagines the same picture in which both of u hand in hand,side by side,walk along the beach.It's pretty romantic and sweet.The thing is how cruel we are if we have a little boy between us.It's unfair to him. W* e1 R! p) L* g1 M4 o. j" a* j也许两个人的世界是幸福的,但是对小男孩来说未来的歧视是残酷的。最重要的是会怕影响到他未来的成长! - Q5 n' i3 a/ N# O' C; l在我看来图片是一种残缺的美丽。; e$ i2 q7 M+ @# H, n! h* t$ u
Thx for your encouragement.My face turn red now. : @& }. a( u/ ?9 @3 r8 U' X7 eI always told myself:, {2 M$ S6 Q# k1 j1 i2 }
Don't be shy,just try.Don't be afraid of losing face. # a! G2 y8 ~/ u# M/ G& TNone of us was born perfect.* y# A) t$ Z I' i2 o9 P% T
As long as I never lose my heart to win,I will make it sooner or later!9 g8 R1 J# d2 d8 x# G& K
我的学校一般啦。呵呵!但是这并不妨碍我继续努力啊。 * r7 s/ a' F6 G; a2 zThere is no place to stop in learning.Right?