+ g+ B# M+ I6 c
, g: V1 H+ a3 g7 A影片名称:Plata quemada
. {( U3 h* M+ `) K3 d% i7 t6 z影片别名:Burnt Money/Burning Money/烈焰焚币/南美美男大盗 6 l9 M$ G# T ]9 E# w4 f s2 E
出品年份:20003 ^& ^, d9 y7 {; r0 ~
国家:阿根廷/西班牙/乌拉圭4 t$ `, V# R; s1 K5 B
$ m: o" [6 U z, @; F& C在线观看:
4 }1 D& @% C9 r
: b$ r1 P- s* n7 N! d影片简介: . ?3 t" K5 [% t: ~
+ U$ n, e* e4 E6 Y5 y7 x1965年。阿根廷。一堆银纸与一对银行大盗。绰号“大细孪”的兰尼和安仔,行事缺一不可,形影不离。一次打劫作案,安仔受伤,为要逃过追捕,二人惟有展开一段逃亡之旅,可是二人的关系亦于逃亡时决裂……
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安桀尔和纳呢是一对盗匪,两人一样的英俊酷帅,外人都以为他们是双胞胎,但他们不是骨肉相连的兄弟,而是生死相依的恋人。安杰尔是一个虔诚的天主教徒,有一天,他在冥冥中听到神的召唤,对这种逾越宗教规范的爱情充满了犯罪感,开始疏离纳呢,两人感情出现危机。紧接着,两兄弟接到一个打劫银行的计划。安杰尔为了斩断纳呢对他藕断丝连的情怀,纳呢则希望通过再一次合作能挽回安杰尔的心,所以两人都接受并全力投入了这场打劫行动。在逃亡过程中,伴随着对生死未卜的忐忑,是两人对爱的不断追求和拒绝。绝望的纳呢在影院、公厕流连,跟男人做爱,甚至去嫖妓女,企图忘却安杰尔,但是“抽刀断水水更流”。最后他们反而在这个妓女告发下被军警包围。两人突围不成,最后把打劫来的百万美元通通烧光,两人在烈焰中相拥自尽,画面极为壮美。电影意味深长地显示男女之爱充满奸诈,而只有同性之间的爱才最忠诚。 7 K/ w" I4 [* U$ g I4 h* J
z2 ?: P% [: i9 m; w$ t' M这部片其实是传统的商业片,其成功之处在于他们运用传统的警匪片形式包装同性爱题材,打破了同性爱/异性恋的二元分界,堂堂正正在主流电影市场上上演,而不是象那些美国同性爱电影那样,一边鼻涕一把泪一把地诉说同性爱不被主流社会“理解”的可怜,另一边却又力图宣扬一种跟主流社会价值观念格格不入的施虐/受虐的所谓同性爱美学(gayness),自我设限,划地为牢,因而始终走不出顾影自怜的同性爱圈子,如此恶性循环,把同性爱解放运动引进商业盈利的死胡同。# z& X* t9 h( u) [+ B4 n
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Plot Synopsis:9 n6 u& Q+ p9 E3 |
% o; D( j# S/ m
Burnt Money, is set in Argentina in 1965. This true story follows the tumultuous relationship between two men who became lovers and ultimately ruthless bank robbers in a notoriously famous footnote in the annals of Argentinian crime history. Nene, Angel and Cuervo are bank robbers who flee from Argentina across the border to Uruguay after a large-scale hold-up that turns bloody. Angel is hurt and the three must lay low until Angel recovers. Nene and Angel are known to everyone they know as "the twins" because of their resemblance, but the two are not brothers at all - they are involved in a steamy homosexual relationship. To get back to Argentina, the group must first wait for Fontana, the brains behind the robbery, to arrange for passports. Anxious from hiding, Cuervo decides to break curfew and go party. After Nene and Angel also decide to take off, Nene meets a prostitute named Giselle and Angel ends up getting in a fight. The group is forced to abandon their refuge and Angel and Nene decide to move in with Giselle. However, the sexual attraction between Nene and Angel burns too strongly and when Nene gets hostile with Giselle and kicks her out, she goes straight to the police to snitch on the group. It's not long before police are surrounding the building and the fate of Nene and Angel appears to be sealed.
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