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发表于 2008-4-13 19:35:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  香菜又名芫荽,最初称为胡荽,英文名Coriander Herb,原产于中亚和南欧,或近东和地中海一带。据唐代《博物志》记载,公元前119年西汉张骞从西域引进香菜,故初名胡荽。后来在南北朝后赵时,赵皇帝石勒认为自己是胡人,胡荽听起来不顺耳,下令改名为原荽,后来演变为芫荽。- N9 o, }! n0 v: v& o/ n: ]& f6 S2 v

2 z' s2 N9 {. o9 h& _* ?5 Z  

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3 f& W4 x; _% L  据民间传说,商纣王昏庸无道,朝政荒芜,崇信妖妃,残害忠良。周文王顺天意,主正义,集诸侯,讨伐商纣。赵公明逆天意,助商纣,命丧疆场。赵公明的三个妹子云霄、琼霄、碧霄为兄报仇,与姜子牙对阵。两军激战混乱中,杨戬放出了哮天犬,把碧霄的裤档一口扯烂了.碧霄害怕露出羞处,臊的两手捂住羞处蹲了下去。云霄、琼霄一下于赶了过来,捡起一块条石,照准哮天犬的后脑勺打去,一下子把哮天犬打的脑浆四喷。碧霄裤档被扯烂,失了贞体.恨死了哮天犬,把死犬拿来扒了皮,吃了狗肉。吃了肉,喝了汤,解了恨,嫌狗皮和狗爪扔在那搭恶心,就地挖了个小坑埋上。谁知哮天犬也是得道仙犬,它的毛长成一种香草,后人称为香菜。
9 a5 d6 h) j& s% H: y9 \
; e1 \5 u, i9 g( x/ I2 q2 ]# N; L  T  言归正传。香菜传入中国后,民间主要用作调味,比如兰州牛肉拉面或西安羊肉泡馍,非香菜不正宗。据有关记载,因带有刺激的特殊清香气味,香菜被道家列为“五荤”之一,并被当作驱邪镇鬼的法宝。例如,将香菜和酒煮开,洒在受惊吓的小孩身上,便无大碍了。此外,香菜还有颇高的药用价值,李时珍在《本草纲目》中说,香菜可消谷,补虚,治五脏。许慎在《说文解字》中讲,“芫”字为“鱼毒也”:“荽”字为“香口也”。! q, ~( I# K7 ]- j, Y, H& w
4 t0 R2 ?- n; A+ g7 P5 \: I
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( W# m! y  P. s( _- L, @! r9 L7 F- W0 Y, d( n) c) y0 c4 d# r
发表于 2008-4-14 10:41:29 | 显示全部楼层
我还是比较喜欢香菜的; ?. l9 H1 W5 p7 s- V! q# v/ j

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-5-7 14:01:40 | 显示全部楼层
香菜的作用很广啊    力挺香菜

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发表于 2008-5-21 13:44:03 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-5-27 11:16:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-5-27 11:53:41 | 显示全部楼层
ding lou shang de   wo ye bu xihuan

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发表于 2008-5-31 18:53:02 | 显示全部楼层
我小时候很讨厌香菜的,觉得味道很很难闻) g7 t4 v1 A4 U, m0 m, U0 f

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发表于 2008-6-8 03:54:18 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-12 00:11:46 | 显示全部楼层

Sudanese plane bursts into flames, killing dozens

KHARTOUM, Sudan - A Sudanese jetliner landed in a thunderstorm and veered off the runway late Tuesday, bursting into flames and killing dozens of people, Sudanese officials said.
6 p/ a8 _6 w  r$ e& d( D$ oOfficial and state media said immediately after the crash that about half the 203 passengers aboard the Airbus A310 had been killed in the crash around 9 p.m. But several hours later officials began reporting a lower toll.
. }9 P( l$ J" V- tOne flight attendant said the crew had evacuated the passengers from the plane.9 ?; S) f5 F* C. K
"Thank God we were able to get all the passengers out," said Sarrah Faisal, her voice shaking as she spoke to Sudanese TV from a stretcher, wearing a plastic neck-brace. She gave no more details.
! A& o0 d. G3 E" t9 D( M7 y' W6 vDeputy parliament speaker Mohammed al-Hassan al-Ameen said the death toll was "about 30 people." Police spokesman Mohammed Abdel Majid al-Tayeb said five bodies had been pulled from the wreckage, 100 people were safe and an unspecified number were hospitalized.5 E0 k& p$ m; B! C
An Associated Press reporter at the scene said the plane appeared to have left the runway as it landed at Khartoum International Airport.
# o3 D3 u$ q1 V2 rSudanese television footage showed a hellish scene, with orange flames dwarfing firefighters and towering above the shattered fuselage. Ambulances and firetrucks rushed to the scene. Media were kept away from the blaze.2 k  a+ s) X# g& `# e
Youssef Ibrahim, director of the Khartoum airport, told Sudanese TV that the plane "landed safely" in Khartoum and the pilot was talking to the control tower and getting further instructions when the accident occurred.
4 h: v- Q! Q8 ]; M/ v"One of the (plane's) engines exploded and the plane caught fire," Ibrahim said. He said bad weather did not cause the crash, which he blamed on a technical problem.
$ b1 c  o+ E( u: W6 S6 pThe Sudanese ambassador to Washington called the weather "very bad" and said the runway was drenched by rain.
% b& G% h. ^. `4 u& XThe head of Sudanese police, Mohammad Najib, said bad weather "caused the plane to crash land, split into two and catch fire."2 B4 k/ f7 r- I! N2 `
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$ y- b0 O$ A4 `% e"We believe that most of the passengers were able to make it out and escape with their lives," said Najib, without disclosing further details on how they escaped., H5 w( W* J( x. ~, U! y
But he stressed that officials could not say for sure how many were killed.
$ W) t# d  A5 CThe airport was experiencing a thunderstorm and winds about 20 mph at the time of the crash, said Elaine Yang, a meterologist with the San Francisco-based Weather Underground, a private weather service.world of warcraft gold
, ^3 _: r3 ?, Y( f* ]. B& ?Raqeeb Abdel-Latif, head of the Sudan Airways office in Damascus, Syria, said the plane had joined the Sudanese national carrier fleet seven months ago.
5 c+ O- ^: y8 F) v% m4 zIt took off from Damascus with 203 passengers on board, mostly Africans and a few non-Sudanese nationals and 14 crew members. It stopped in Amman, where 34 additional passengers came on board.age of Conan gold7 w, T: @  p* g
Due to inclement weather, the aircraft stopped at Port Sudan Airport along the Red Sea picking up 35 passengers and refueling before heading back, Sudanese Ambassador John Ukec Lueth Ukec said in Washington.Shaiya gold
) s/ a: a* {& s% oUpon arrival the weather was "still very bad," said Ukec. "There was a lot of water on the runway and they still tried to land."
& z9 M- F3 k6 E1 Y  UMost of the passengers were believed to be Sudanese, with some foreigners among them, the ambassador said.
) g2 G/ q! Z' w" ASpokesmen for the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington said they were monitoring the situation., M2 X) i8 d( j6 I9 d3 \- G
The Airbus A310 is a twin-engine, widebody plane used by a number of carriers around the world. Typically configured with about 220 seats, it is a shorter version of the popular A300.+ o' q9 I$ h: W; Y
Airbus is operated by the European aerospace giant European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. It has delivered 255 A310s as of May.' h' l: H3 S& i4 q; t+ l
8 o( Q! o2 a7 z, f6 MAn Airbus spokesman in Paris declined immediate comment on the crash.

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发表于 2008-6-16 11:32:37 | 显示全部楼层

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