伊朗这个穆斯林国家判处死刑的不止这两个帅哥,有上千人,他们的总统说“他们国家没有同性爱”(有的话自然要清除)。 + E* v. O$ p3 g) q; i * b# @; e& v( N% i' F3 Y! i我在看一个博客感到令人气愤的是:“The law prohibited and punished homosexuality; sodomy between consenting adults was a capital crime. The punishment of a non-Muslim homosexual was harsher if the homosexual's partner was Muslim. At a speech at Columbia University in September, the president publicly denied the existence of homosexuals in the country.” (http://mpetrelis.blogspot.com/)) n- L1 a8 S5 O- f! f. Z1 T
1 n& m. u( s) ~0 _伊思兰教向来对同性爱怀有深深敌意。但伊朗恐怕是最恶毒的。他们派警察在网上勾引同志然后逮捕他们毒打,有的被强奸,有的就当中绞刑。所以同志连网上也不敢⋯⋯* f+ U, G7 R0 @- Z. d
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我在想新疆维族的同志应该过得也很苦吧。(他们有的长得很帅::90:: )