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发表于 2008-2-8 10:54:01
以下是他的中英文个人简介7 P% L& T& C% ~2 U
: B5 o/ D4 J7 _2 { 麦切·斯科特·赫威于1989年7月1日出生在布里斯托尔,他是英国一名新新升起的演员并且取得了E4(英国4频道)的表演机会,在英国黑色青春剧<皮囊>中扮演Maxxie并且取得了成功. 3 m. [, p/ r$ r* o$ F" \2 E
他在布里斯托尔(英国)住,并且有一个姐妹,叫萨曼·赫威.在2006年9月, Mitch开始了在布里斯托尔的Filton学院的SWADA (戏剧艺术的南西部学院).在那里他将在音乐厅开始了一当前学习一个‘全国文凭’。 由于他在<皮囊>的新的角色,他必须左Filton学院,集中他的摄制。在<皮囊>完成了摄制之后,他在布里斯托尔学院持续学习跳舞.在他的业余时间, Mitch喜欢去体操,跳舞,与他的女朋友的消费时间,并且集会和去海滩! 2 E. E- n( i* u. y* z2 I2 f
Mitch Hewer 7 @7 c- E- r) A
Mitchell Scott Hewer (Mitch Hewer) was born on the 1st July, 1989. He is a new and rising British Actor and made his fame in E4's drama, Skins. He lives in Bristol (UK), and has one sister, named Samantha Hewer. In September 2006, Mitch started at Filton College's SWADA (South West Academy Of Dramatic Arts), in Bristol. There he started a currently studying a 'National Diploma in Musical Theatre'. As a result of his new role in Skins, he had to left Filton College, to concentrate on his filming. After Skins had finished filming, he continued studying at the Bristol College of Dancing. " d; S8 f f- z. V5 @" F3 C. q
In his spare time, Mitch enjoys going to the gym, dancing, spending time with his girlfriend, as well as partying and going to the beach! |