翻译的不好,不要笑我啦,呵呵,我也是在练习而已::17:: 7 M& N* w: o. ?5 m1 h
如果能帮小弟指出错误和不足,就更加万分感谢啦!9 z: j1 r5 f+ _# U2 `
: g. ]) T) W( L1 ~+ c5 d
The Daffodils 水仙
. h7 i( K) W7 AI wandered lonely as a cloud 仿佛一片孤独的云4 W" N5 f/ |4 x- Z( R* ?$ y, V
That floats in high o’er vales and hills,我徜徉在山谷之颠, J; q, z* ?0 g* M( k5 V- k
When all at once I saw a crowd, 无意间窥见了那一片, ^% M% ?! m7 Y" T, J6 E
A host of golden daffodils; 葱郁的黄水仙
0 G8 N0 o+ b4 c7 O4 }Beside the lake, beneath the trees, 湖岸上,树荫下,微风中
2 x' t' u# r8 K- DFluttering and dancing in the breeze. 摇曳着舞姿翩翩
# {8 ], v- N/ ^) ]2 C4 J7 L7 X% s7 K# E- F- {" G: |+ [
Continuous as the stars that shine 花朵好似繁星
/ J& Q1 |) {% ?6 vAnd twinkle on the Milky Way, 在银河里眨着眼睛
2 b. S2 x" g+ X6 m1 S# GThey stretched in never-ending line 花丛簇拥湖湾而生$ k" W# t8 c4 [7 T3 [$ K3 d
Among the margin of a bay: 延绵直到天际0 u' j1 Q- x5 u% _% N
Ten thousand saw I at a glance, 一眼望去,满目金蕊
3 n: v: w4 r' M' m& V4 g5 rTossing their heads in sprightly dance. 欢歌曼舞,香颈轻摇
4 j0 D3 j# }' i t# s* k
& `7 S# X4 |: K9 b$ \) l2 L1 C& d5 FThe waves beside them danced; but they 湖中粼粼的涟漪也来跳舞
* F3 x: @' I( s* q; wOutdid the sparking waves in glee: 比不过仙子们欢快的舞步
' Z* c' I* q9 k3 J% G- A7 nA poet could not but be gay, 仙子陪伴着诗人0 \& L" ], ?& R3 v7 d' X
In such a jocund company: 叫我怎能不为之纵情
" p. {! I0 j& R8 k7 r' M; EI gazed ---and gazed--- but little thought 看着,看着,我已忘乎所以2 E* N1 \5 N' M3 Q5 X
What wealth the show to me had brought: 此景于我,能抵万金!/ h8 R7 g" `& v1 a- ]
For oft, when on my couch I lie 每每悠闲独处
7 b& O# Y* i$ c f3 Z6 I! d- L5 L% vIn vacant or in pensive mood, 脑海填满茫然的思绪0 V9 V# E9 J- m" ^' I, B& A- ^
They flash upon that inward eye 深邃的眸子又会闪现% H9 u$ h, B& C2 R
Which is the bliss of solitude; 那寂寞福音般美妙的情景。. w: q" ^- H8 w
And then my heart with pleasure fills, 我便满心喜悦
! c5 f3 `9 W+ D/ s7 [! O' Z6 m& gAnd dances with the daffodils. 与水仙舞在一起
$ G3 [8 D4 H: R" z% T* x1 Y/ `! \) t+ u
[ 本帖最后由 阿猫阿狗 于 2006-12-30 10:09 编辑 ] |