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发表于 2006-11-23 22:07:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
布达拉宫 位于西藏自治区首府拉萨市西北郊区约两千米处的一座小山上。在当地信仰藏传佛教的人民心中,这坐小山犹如观音菩萨居住的普陀山,因而用藏语称此为布达拉(普陀之意)。布达拉宫重重叠叠,迂回曲折,同山体融合在一起,高高耸立,壮观巍峨。宫墙红白相间,宫顶金碧辉煌,具有强烈的艺术感染力。它是拉萨城的标志,也是西藏人民巨大创造力的象征,是西藏建筑艺术的珍贵财富,也是独一无二的雪城高原上的人类文化遗产。布达拉宫始建于公元7世纪藏王松赞干布时期距今已有1300年的历史。唐初,松赞干布迎娶唐朝宗室女文成公主为妻,为夸耀后世,在当时的红山上建九层楼宫殿一千间,取名布达拉宫以居公主。据史料记载,红山内外围城三重,松赞干布和文成公主宫殿之间有一道银铜合制的桥相连。布达拉宫东门外有松赞干布的跑马场。当由松赞干布建立的吐 王朝灭之之时,布达拉宫的大部分毁于战火。明末,在蒙古固始汉的武力支持下,五世达赖 建立葛丹颇章王朝。 公元1645年,开始重建布达拉宫,五世达赖由葛丹章宫移居白宫顶上的日光殿,1690年,在第巴桑杰嘉错的主持下,修改红殿五世达赖灵塔殿,1693年竣工。以后经历代达赖喇嘛 的扩建,才达到今日的规模。 布达拉宫外观13层,高110米,自山脚向上,直至山顶。由东部的白宫(达赖喇嘛居住的地方 ),中部的红宫(佛殿及历代达赖喇嘛灵塔殿 )组成。 Potala Palace
+ \7 M: a$ ]  g6 ?" [0 h. m9 `; ^Potala Palace is located at the center of the city and is one of cultural relice that are under national protection. The palace was constructed over 1300 years ago in the 7th century during Songtsan Gabon’s time. It is the largest and most complete castle construction that still exists and the place for Successive of Dalai lamas to conduct political affairs and live. It is also the power center of the unity of politics and religion in Tibet. Potala Palace is an ancient monastery with the highest elevation. This construction at the top of Red Mountain of ancient Lahasa has Chinese and Nepalese architecture. The height of this palace is 117 meters at an elevation of 3700meters.- B  R( _6 z) s- x
Potala Palace is divided two sections, the white palace and the red palace. The red palace is right in the center and the white palaces are in both sides. The building groups with white and red color compose a magnificent construction, including palace,casteland monastery.
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