7 R. d U) d% V# t* o,所以也耳濡目染了一些美国研究生院招生的程序和规则.这几天没事情逛了逛国内几个大
4 M5 b7 i. Q: |- l( p的留学申请论坛,看见大家都在讨论陶瓷,心里有一些话不得不说.
0 v% i2 |4 _3 B$ o+ j9 E, x( z
, P/ w4 R: z H! o+ C& J; {陶瓷这个词现在已经几乎成了所有留美申请朋友的关键词乐,没有人不知道的.甚至还能看
" S8 w M% D* k见一些申请文科如教育,心理学的xdjm也在bbs上面问陶瓷有没有用,怎么陶瓷等等。这关 ) T3 |( E+ l o; X
& z- f5 @4 d1 I/ z' ?9 `但是,看今年的神情形式,陶瓷已经有泛滥的迹象,甚至听说有同学雇佣中介发大批的一
6 H8 [. Y& v1 f0 h. D抹一样的陶瓷信给教授,以求“普遍撒网,重点培养”。还有的同学同时给一个学校的三
, W) @; |: N8 p/ Z0 ^3 `3 j个以上的教授发陶瓷信;还有的同学的陶瓷信肉麻之极,照老美的说法一看就是个'kiss- 4 |; I* K" {1 \
7 E2 j! [; B' p9 p: R。我接下来就会给大家讲讲其中应该注意的地方。 ; x& k1 |4 z: X7 ^$ j
% D* n2 L" o/ k: [( m
8 K9 G& E6 E+ ]信,询问是否有意向招学生。很多朋友对这一认识有误区,认为发这样的信就是对他人的
2 F% V/ c2 }; h5 ?1 m# \一种骚扰,是不对的,所以很鄙视。其实不然。你既然申请了这个学校或者对这个学校感
2 c, D, _5 t" Z: d: M兴趣,当然首先要确定你感兴趣的研究组里面是不是有可能有你的位置。这样的询问信是
6 G9 Y, W. V0 B& J很自然,很职业,也是很平常的事情。但是要注意,有些系或者有些教授在网页上面会说 * N/ z0 G' R1 i6 z
9 B# p8 z% m5 g" Z5 ]强他人。同时,在寄出询问的email之后,如果几天都没有收到消息,那就说明教授对你确
1 z# D) z7 q0 v6 s+ d实不感兴趣,那么就不要在发信骚扰了。很多美国教授对这个头痛就是因为很多学生在发
7 A- g- T5 W1 B' T4 V/ q6 {陶瓷信上面确实是“孜孜不倦”,有的教授甚至不得不回一封措词比较强硬的信,彻底断
. c, w% @3 W& u- q Y3 C4 @& C1 Q了这个学生的念头,来逃避他的骚扰。。。所以,请所有陶瓷的朋友,在寄出第一份信 6 a3 u" Z( j( y+ d) K& q4 G
之后,做一个记录,如果没有回复的话,也不要在发一模一样的信了。email丢失的可能性 5 [; ^; V4 S. Y7 [! O$ t6 O+ J
是很小的,你没有收到回复的原因就是教授不想找人,或者对你没有兴趣。 9 ]0 q, X! U5 [; B, U$ X1 n
& ]* V9 q4 L& v0 o第二,陶瓷信不是请求信,双方是基于平等的交流。很多人的陶瓷信简直肉麻之极。要知 3 l4 }1 P+ O$ [" t I' |1 q, @/ Y
道,这样的语气其实只会招人反感,因为这一看就是没有经验的人。真正有科研经历,有 1 B9 U9 m3 _* X
' s9 e4 k/ i: W7 v调一边,陶瓷是基于平等的,你自己低人一等了,别人不来理睬你更是理所当然的事情。 1 Q% r S1 v# L+ o
我还看见有的朋友在论坛上面不停的问,教授这样回复我了,我之后应该怎么继续套。真 1 {5 p9 u0 O6 E; Q) U
是谬之大误啊!首先,随随便便在公共论坛上面公开私人信件就已经不合适了,何况你对 9 i$ R2 `; m, H0 x1 {4 E2 z
与教授的联系一点计划都没有,那你当初干吗还要陶他的瓷呢?这样的朋友摆明就是所有 5 L' I- @. T$ M, o' R- B
的教授都掏一下,“宁可错杀一千,不可漏杀一个”;撞大运般的先撞一个再说。我敢说 ! o8 ^; j% s, x1 [
,像这样的朋友能够最后套到offer的可能性是很小的----你可以这样陶瓷,别人当然也 ' @3 ?2 o R) T- Z) l
; W4 e5 a4 A" U# p3 `, g9 n生呢?另外,陶瓷之前,一定要看清楚对方的科研背景,以及“最近”正在进行的科研活
3 B4 u' t/ s7 O- ]) Q% m. t动,注意一定要看最近的。比较有用的办法是看publication里面'submitted'或'to ! y' _- u5 [6 Q: e
appear'的论文,有机会的话下载下来仔细研读一下也是非常有用 $ f; S, ?5 a |0 Q( g8 e" Q* u
: X9 E+ I4 \4 A. G0 ]; n好一点地会介绍一下自己的科研经历以及发表过的论文等等,但是人家真正感兴趣的是
& ~! H1 C1 G. U( @) H你可以在他的领域里面有多大的成就。注意,是他的领域。你不好好研究一下对方的背
% F2 e- F, u# T- |3 D# ?! ?3 Q( J景就贸贸然陶瓷信过去,反而对你不利。因为教授看见这样一封没有丝毫针对性地陶瓷信, & I8 Z( E/ R2 i( `" p% q5 @# ^
6 m8 B2 f! r# q( \ I% N0 lemail发给招生主任(通常也是系里的教授),那么对不起,你就别再指望这所学校了。 3 ~9 ^& C( E: i ~6 ?- e1 g/ z, a7 T
9 B' e+ ]/ ]. \/ |% X0 y- a5 l第三,不要在陶瓷信里面把话说司。很多朋友同时联系好几个学校,email答应了一个教授 % o, Y9 d# g9 j6 d% q
+ l/ U& [/ {! P: I; w) G- b3 n悔去新的学校。在这点上,我就要说,你这个时候做的决定,以及对教授的答复不仅仅是 1 t7 b" L! w+ y% f3 {1 z, | Q/ J
代表你自己,对很多教授来说,也代表了全体中国学生的整体形象。你应该坦诚以告,而 9 k0 P5 Z4 }3 Z7 k: j
$ t3 |% q9 N E5 Q! `* A. ^1 ]不仅方便别人,也对自己在美国的将来有好处。要知道,美国这里很多科研圈子是很小的, 7 X4 g; z x& W) `
' f; ?) }6 I5 Y( @; _; ~臭名。何况,如果你处理得不谨慎,那么至少你这个学校后来的学弟学妹可就惨了,这个 0 G$ N, M$ Z+ ^
+ d% s9 [& \& `& D" {$ l2 ^. q/ [5 x0 C对一个学校出来的某一个申请人的判断很大程度上也要基于对这个学校出来的学生的整
" j* R3 Y! V) _% o* P. @! n体评价。那么有些朋友就会说,“那又怎么样?反正我也出来了,offer也拿到了,后面 ; F! b8 e1 P1 m% S
人的事情管我什么事?”呵呵,首先,像你这样不顾他人,不顾后果的人到了美国是中国 5 |# V# M5 A) Z) I7 [1 L( ^& J
的幸运,美国的倒霉;其次,你这样做了一次,以后就会做第二次,栽跟斗是迟早的事情。 - M5 u8 K/ F, @6 n; u* I
# h7 R+ b# f0 b5 k8 B$ \最后我转铁kansas state univ 电子工程系的一个印度assistant 教授对陶瓷的看法和建 ! t9 T+ }" S& T% u2 v
9 X. o5 e* `3 y- [3 e, Z5 n0 z刚博士毕业的印度年轻人意见很尖锐,很多地方语气甚至都不太友好。但是,认认真真地
. t4 {7 f" b/ M4 h看完绝对对你的申请道路有着非常非常大的帮助。
" D7 k2 B& E* p) @& J6 l0 b1 m" y) ]0 T7 q; n' `8 K
, Y5 a+ B$ M5 l3 c0 m) S International applicants seeking assistantship/admission: please do not send
k) Z% V x' O4 V! l& k) v( d& N/ r7 eme emails blindly without reading this
9 g8 i1 s' Q# d; h3 }' r. \8 O $ M0 }- X- v2 w8 \" G$ k, W
Every day I receive emails from international candidates for information,
. M. F' {: ]6 `+ Rfor advice, and especially requesting financial assistance. Unfortunately, ( L7 |3 L3 T. a9 V% F4 {+ E
I delete most of them without even reading them carefully. I get so many
% i R# o2 j0 ]+ g+ L( e! ~irrelevant emails that cannot reply to each. Extremely rarely has one
7 _. \3 ?4 D$ ?8 `5 j1 p9 }caught my attention. Please do not send me emails without reading this 6 c' M& K/ l3 H7 V8 I
first. I am only interested in corresponding to candidates who are 6 x; s) q0 P0 w! s9 r
exceptional, and have a strong interest and experience in my immediate area 1 l9 N! k. w( B
of specialization, and I highly prefer ones with a Master's degree. 9 A! a# b& t5 e- D |
2 j1 G9 o+ D& o! c& t9 fFor your benefit, I have included in this page, some writing tips, when
) E) I, i! [- l3 K- ^' [corresponding to me, and perhaps also in writing to other faculty members
5 u( S! n4 b# Jin US Universities. When corresponding, do not mention your age/date of
' Y8 C/ c0 v4 o0 p- Obirth, your gender, nationality etc. These are superfluous information.
4 \/ M6 c) L: H: W, w0 \3 G 7 I2 I0 ~( V0 B" W S( D o
& x( T- {2 c$ U- v/ [, l
- k; v9 c) F1 q9 n1 D% w! J9 f
I am SOMEWHAT interested in: Your awards/academic honors, academic records, " ]) L- d( C9 Q9 V7 p3 Y; Z
4 O" A. M; I7 e9 f, k* k
GPA, GRE score (2200+), experience.
! J, U5 \4 I' \& N/ G+ M g0 g
2 B. e: P# D/ X- G& w4 E( [I am HIGHLY interested in: Your publications, research interests (have % c+ l! |/ v, w
supporting evidence for your claim, don't just claim you are interested, , F: d3 F( m) c3 H$ X( Y7 `/ B
unless you actually have done some work in the area). ( [/ N& e) H' s! @: L' ]8 U
: a. j+ w4 \8 K8 q*(Incidentally, I do not know what NOVELL or Microsoft certification are.
) h7 v3 t7 X, c0 F0 Q2 o, l0 @Research is more concerned with things like advanced mathematical skills, 0 O) q* K) b( z% i* e
creativity etc. Too much software skill actually may even count negative in
6 j K7 s+ r2 F: O5 N5 R4 D Q. k/ J4 J( F
my group).
* \% l# d/ y/ X' {# A1 o# O6 p0 D ' n4 ]" ?6 A6 s% V. P+ D
) E* X H" v9 u* S; |9 w
% p$ Y1 H* x& N9 l5 H: ^! D4 v2 zInformation I CANNOT provide " w; ~" R+ J) s0 a8 l% I9 S4 k
8 L& `/ O1 {# |& S. i4 P: I" h- O
1. Chances of getting assistantship in the department (other than my own - S; G5 V, |0 k( ?0 c F
available research grants - I do not have any right now, although not very ' s* v9 s% [; d0 s8 w2 P1 _
likely, it may change in future). - E7 ?6 ~' b- U4 ^( |( Y* ?3 ?8 y
) t% V2 R2 k6 m9 A2 Z
2. Deadlines for assistantship/admission.
4 Q _' C7 j+ P0 N
4 J+ j$ {$ g/ |5 Z1 G+ O3. Any information on admission procedures and policies.
9 \% `1 r t9 d, s 9 Z, U5 {6 k$ v! @: @7 q4 k
4. Minimum GRE/TOEFL scores required.
7 K- d* e* p+ F2 f7 r8 \" ?
, b$ m$ r5 C; {6 F5. How to get application forms.
; U2 Y1 g5 ]& Y+ w 7 C# O# i8 H* r7 Q$ Y6 {' W' T
6. Whether a decision for assistantship or admission was made.
: f) j: q) P7 i2 t
) A3 k! n; |& F( Z: E) M7. Other faculty who would be interested in a prospective student's
2 b5 U! E) [1 z1 Gbackground (you can easily see faculty research interests from the
) Y0 u7 B! l+ A0 d3 l2 ~) U5 Xdepartment website).
+ z; C; p J9 f6 I
: Q* V! ?% {8 E; q8. When an admission/assistantship decision will be made. 2 j4 ~4 t2 F7 _+ q1 [
2 C( G) l7 j8 d2 a( h( \# h0 t% B
9. Any other information, other than that below,
, |* P# O# T P7 _; o$ K
, M# r0 E# U( r6 _% s0 ]* y " A# d7 `& b. E3 c1 G
# ~9 E* s2 z# A5 L& `8 V; H! N2 |1 c8 L
The only information I CAN provide
\7 p7 X5 ?$ ?/ _5 i1 q9 }9 W
: R( `% P$ H3 s( H, j5 ?1. Compatibility of your interests/background with my own research area.
) F, O0 E8 y8 e a$ T
* m2 u" D3 W. ?# Q4 O3 C3 y5 v2. Possibility of getting research support from my own (not departmental)
: |0 p* k |, z% y1 C7 |4 Ufunds. I am always trying to get external funding for my research projects. : F4 f" |+ a7 W0 ]1 O
I/ z! t# Z5 n: L7 X4 k
0 n( @" N( T3 n$ X& Q3. Possible research areas you could work on with your background, with me.
0 D2 q) j3 d8 Z# P2 U& l @: y) W/ i3 a; m1 x
5 b" E$ q! F/ l5 tI know how interested some students are in coming to the USA for a higher " R. Z0 P. \$ q/ U8 O2 F4 j1 Z# n- {5 l/ |
degree. I have written this as a useful guide for you. I have also written
% R: G) J; p0 P. x. n" v ?this to let prospective international students try and focus their own
$ f1 F- j, `! d( U$ V; [efforts properly, instead of wasting their energy sending me emails. Here
# Q( ]9 |$ _: c8 m* aare two sample letters. * i3 d. n& `% }* |. X1 M, L
: V4 V/ f% k4 J5 G+ @3 A0 V- H' S, b
A sample letter that will never get the candidate an assistantship with me: 8 U2 Y" R4 s" _
9 G9 N6 ?- x* G3 l8 X2 _; D. K ! s& U% t9 ^9 e( M" A+ T7 E9 D
Unwanted email
. r+ l$ I f3 ~, v* d : d. |0 g) u1 U, Q/ I
Respected sir,
# m7 R2 I( G; h0 Y
# w( w) n4 J9 P! S- m2 F; CI am very interested in going to the US for higher studies. I am seeking
" P$ }7 e2 W( E3 d4 \$ Eadmission and financial assistance in your esteemed University. I am very 9 A$ [ g3 D: _! v
interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture. I have # U7 q% x4 @- ^' O5 a
programming experience in C++, C and Java. I am also familiar with several
) G8 `2 N/ J M8 q' ?+ D( q* dsoftware packages in the Windows environment (MS Word, Excel Spreadsheet & j. g/ h) T/ ]% t/ t
etc.). I also have networking certification from NOVELL. My GRE score is 9 a Z& t- p6 k0 U5 A6 y
2050, and I got 99 percentile in the TOEFL exam.
4 m0 t r1 K" M! d$ S0 r( i, l
) }- d0 S7 p2 PI request you to spare a few moments from your precious time to go through ) x9 S1 ?# U {4 M
my attached resume.
6 U9 }6 V: @, _0 D5 s1 h. `4 H $ }5 w, n% O- A
Sir - if you are kind enough to offer me assistantship, I promise to work & a( a! i6 f2 ~
very hard for you. I have a very good academic record since primary school. 1 ^/ C9 ~! b( d6 w+ ?) w
0 L0 Y4 G; F( f. K1 O$ T5 m
Alternately, can you tell me what are my chances of getting assistantship
1 x; ^& h* ]$ e, W3 ifrom your department?
( A# H$ R9 r/ k! @- i. G7 u % H4 X \( K$ ?& S q1 n
Can you kindly inform me about the last dates for Summer term 2002 before
# O- b5 x/ Z, P% R+ Nwhich I can apply? $ t( |8 {6 e1 B. X* o0 N
+ M8 F1 ?( e# i/ tThank you for your valuable time, F$ r6 U9 U8 q" f$ a
9 M5 _7 i9 O! X+ W
Yours obediently ) f z" W& Q% h5 h! z! h
2 A5 K) u1 E! C- BABC
/ M- ?- R4 s8 i4 m" D1 g S0 g$ B% i5 z) n) F: A1 U: V* l
My comments: I simply delete these emails, which I consider garbage. The 8 a0 S% {8 }# G% F
person seems to be too obsequious and flattering. In the emails that I do , }6 K& g. [$ y
read (occasionally), I do a first scan for keywords like "precious",
3 _) Y/ L( ^7 I) C8 q"respected" etc. deleting the email if I find one. Obviously the person is 3 I6 P; ~5 _( q( j( x4 q, B1 i& ]! f
not professional enough. The person is interested in artificial `4 g$ `3 E! r% q/ o0 X: ^4 I
intelligence and computer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas,
) ^; b2 ^# k2 p2 i1 m( dmaking me think that he is trying to cover as many professors as possible 5 |" T# F7 {: ?4 y- O6 e
to get aid from any possible source. Besides, he does not have anything in
+ J) `: m9 z! x# zsupport of his claim (about his interest in artificial intelligence). He
" K) r2 h3 `( Jemphasizes on his software skills, making me think that his goal is to get
# c9 m9 S4 O4 { Y ja programming job in the US and higher studies is only to allow him access
+ @* U1 u) A) h5 t& A0 eto the US job market. His GRE scores are OK, but not exceptional. He asks
r' W% B1 u3 }7 F: H5 Zme to tell him what his chances of getting an assistantship are, elsewhere
! U, ~2 X; i1 X4 \: v Kin the department. I have absolutely no way of finding that out, and even 4 i+ P6 F7 D- ]) J0 b9 A* n0 }; d( n
if I knew, I would not bother to reply back. He also asks me to give him 1 z0 c$ h6 K+ @8 @- g @
information about summer deadlines. How am I supposed to know that? (I
* i* D1 a& a/ i+ t/ [: Swould typically expect that this information should be available from the
6 L& O3 ^8 c( H* j+ [8 OUniversity web site, or from the grad school, but my guess is as good as
@/ n& L% L( |% V5 byours.) Finally, this letter is too generic. He probably uses exactly the
8 r9 Y4 W( I1 M. osame format for hundreds of email letters to various professors throughout ( p, v- u1 l z% Q* H0 g
the country, leaving no stone uncovered. I receive hundreds of email like
. V/ ?6 ?: u$ d- wthis. Regretfully, I cannot answer everyone, and these applications do not
6 G6 [2 u9 a$ I" Ninterest me at all.
3 R* ~- T2 D" \! l9 L4 ~* y
. N0 p8 ]1 w+ a2 C9 e+ ^ - p9 _' u) V; x, {3 N
) c3 d' `% ]2 ~) b- x! A5 N
I have even received emails from students asking me to evaluate their
7 ^9 q6 x2 y7 |% A; K, Achances of getting admission, based on their GRE scores, TOEFL scores and $ Q4 L$ H& o7 P9 Y
GPA. Here is an example: + P5 J0 }$ y: h: C& d3 Z! R
8 q I( \) o, j( cHighly undesirable email
" r$ q) Q, b# d ( O! u+ G+ N9 Y6 B
Respected Sir, 7 S6 }5 h* K& V/ D( [' N
( l' a1 j& N" o: S6 h9 JI am applying to a few US Universities for higher studies, including your 7 E% D/ \. e D9 U, Y. e& v
esteemed University.
2 ^2 V8 Z. I% ~; Q4 R
) {7 K% m) M0 n7 j1 X# ^I am a fourth year electronics engineering student at XYZ University,
5 u! ]7 q W8 AIndia. My undergraduate GPA is 3.2/4.0. I obtained 2000 in my GRE , R( E1 O6 y5 \- N0 X
examination (V: 500, Q: 800, A: 700), and 456 in the TOEFL. 2 L, ^ L" q3 _# y% `0 i# l* Y
) z. }, q4 @8 T; {( b# |Can you spare some valuable time to assist me in determining what my 9 e3 z# x- r* b/ i
chances are for assistantship in your department and in other Universities?
* I7 I# @" y# G' ?0 ~1 Y# K1 E2 n) Z6 k9 B% p, T6 Z# ~; g" Q
I will appreciate any help from you.
8 X* ]9 L+ W D: [
- h/ b& e6 t8 \. C ^. D3 fSincerely,
' ~; o% u4 A& B9 a$ r, j# ]8 i5 q % t/ [7 G! G0 ~8 ~' H! Y! k
3 ^4 i" C/ j3 S
4 n# G# q1 H3 Q3 |! ~5 X# K% LMy comments: This letter is at least as bad as the previous one. It too 3 b- M; q, k" z0 A" D9 ]" v0 l
looks excessively obsequious and unprofessional with words like 'respected'
* @9 t' r7 U1 q' |( K" a. {3 v# l/ S; a6 T2 Q8 |2 [
and 'esteemed'. I will not respond to queries like this, even if I could
: L# W3 L- f) A! [possibly "detemine their chances". As I mentioned earlier, my mailbox gets * P9 B% C# g9 j Y: B2 D. f/ B
flooded with these queries such as this each week, and I have no time to
$ U4 K6 i0 Q7 f% L6 V* krespond. But more significantly, I do not have the slightest way of knowing
9 L2 [' a# r( X' u; j& H# R9 F% {
0 G# L6 z7 o- J* wthis, not even in KSU EECE department, leave aside other Universities. You
: _/ j: ^; a6 d( @: w9 a O) Nare much better positioned to do that, based on your own peers'
8 w( e: M; P/ @( Xexperiences. Take an example, how much information can you, as a student,
7 g" l+ X) {% x4 ogive me about the criterion for promotion from associate professor to full : B9 W8 j& r1 B' d$ H3 w# T
professor in your University? Likewise, I have no idea what policies
; N) Z4 o: \3 A: ^8 n# Cgraduate schools in the US follow to admit/denying admission to prospective
4 @- r# x p& e: H+ N2 n
' ^/ k3 Z1 ^4 \* Zstudents. I barely know the format of the GRE exam, leave aside TOEFL. I do
& _# i4 k. A' I9 s4 n# d( `% e9 z2 j' B$ d8 c8 {4 r
not have the slightest idea how to distinguish between a 'good' TOEFL score
# E6 X6 u, T) ` J; [7 R, F! V# X
, W; h) r% ?" r4 |and a 'bad' one. Besides, I know that most Indian Universities do not $ u: o: v" ~) q3 ^1 s; i1 K$ D
follow a GPA system. His "GPA" is most likely inaccurate, obtained by
) B0 X% q {! y V3 e( Lapplying some arbitrary conversion formula devised largely to scale up the
" j8 t! w% t, Q0 b6 Q0 W3 h" @overall percentage score. Use GPA to fill in the official admission form,
, R; Q8 e$ p7 }& E# g2 {if you please, since there is no space for marks, but do not give that
% W4 v0 H4 v! e( E' c% J- pinformation to me unless your University actually follows a 4 point GPA
! s J4 |* Q6 lsystem. (Unfortunately, I cannot distinguish a good percentage score from
/ B6 `- P0 ]' [' Oan average one either.)
& u; w( y. }4 a1 P7 n% O" z" u
* k3 g4 X5 v `+ @ # L( ?/ n% u! Y" [4 @! ]
- F% X5 `( I3 _' II have even received letters with personal items unrelated to the , l2 Y0 ^5 w4 a5 B
profession - something which I consider to be highly negative (examples -
7 B6 m: e7 o' f# A# |"I looked at your family pictures in your homepage", or "I am from the same , `( M& s* z7 y; I+ H& S v
1 Z# {& A8 V1 |& b6 b
part of the country as you are" etc.). " _4 H/ \3 ]2 [( K
& T/ V a$ z9 `# x% I1 h* x
. c3 I% @/ I0 ]0 B4 `" B6 @( o / W) e2 @ z1 n+ M/ O+ g
Now, here is a letter that would DEFINITELY attract my attention: 9 N9 T8 e# `. O6 y0 |
, k9 m* X+ Z9 @) w, @( h! O# e
Excellent email
+ U: N) U7 z1 L 1 V# P% s6 G, H5 T7 [' T
Dear Prof. Das,
; x9 ]* P, e* [7 k& K `
7 {1 I1 g/ m. B! `6 ?) X! N; w$ sI am applying to KSU (amongst other places) for a Ph.D., and I am very 6 o U, O& \8 T8 U' b' |4 B4 q& |
interested in your research areas. I would like to explore the possibility
1 ^5 g2 K& x: V- E- n& Wof doing my research with you, with financial support. 9 R1 e/ ]3 Q+ V; D- j
+ D) Z! u d+ m' \" [One possible area that would interest me a lot is in applying Tikhonov * G' m+ E( ]3 G7 x6 E5 Z
regularization to your problem in computational neuroscience, since I , M, Y" M+ D( o! K) B6 N+ V3 j
understand that neural data can be very noisy, and yet sparse. Alternately,
3 _% }" o! n1 q7 A+ \( K1 [; T6 }. t9 U
I am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithms to your genetic ; m7 f/ R2 w" u3 E6 A# B
neural network parameter estimation. One of my other interests in in
, E- p, ]' f: |0 {% I! i6 Y3 g. t2 Zparallel processing. Are you considering parallel implementations for any
7 Q. m& l4 [, Q4 c, Z9 Gof your optimization/estimation algorithms? Considering that the projects
1 b3 @4 n {. c4 ]- k Dthat you list in your web site would probably be very computationally 1 H2 J1 j6 h8 J1 V& X% a8 n4 s) Q
intensive, that may be a worthwhile strategy to pursue. ' |3 `+ ]$ V6 z- O! I6 D- u
1 |. k0 |0 s' u- Q2 Y. v1 U! W; VI presented a paper entitled "Hybrid Gradient Descent Based Training of 9 ]$ i( l8 i. x3 E: s. L
Probabilistic Recurrent Networks" in the International Conference on Neural 1 A9 W/ J+ D4 z2 r; K
& R8 o3 W' \# P- ~. E( MNetworks and Image Processing, Bangalore, last year. It is a reviewed
3 W5 t% D6 s& v( }1 w6 \publication. If have attached a copy of the article in pdf format. * R/ X( z$ }+ o9 ~
$ F6 Z: A4 d( A: s0 e) i+ k
If you have available funds, and are interested in my application please c' H" c: X2 k: n( e3 ~& e
let me know soon.
# u6 {5 Z" U4 a! q 3 \) ^. @8 B5 \! q( | {* A9 ^( l F
/ N8 v6 ]' F. }
# y& m. W) ~+ z4 N% j' OMy comments: This is a straightforward letter from someone with a genuine ' q, q' [# {; F2 T9 K2 q& i: n
interest in my area. He is an exceptional candidate. He has evinced a keen - z: d( c! \& r3 S% u' a
desire to learn, and already has considerable mastery over my area of 3 M( d m) v) h5 \+ E
research. If I have any funding available, I would definitely try my very 8 F* w ?& }: C& y6 E- m6 | _/ z
BEST to get this person. This person may have an MS degree, while many / ^% b5 A$ N2 c7 d; Q9 G6 s- X
applicants have only a BS degree. : t5 R/ H3 _+ Z& ]# v# L5 b
. w" M) g* l4 _
$ Z) ?0 ? o3 v# J
% X! U0 l0 p8 u: |! R2 c d s
0 {, R3 X: _& u I know how interested some students are in coming to the USA for a higher 2 @; d# H; h6 {1 h5 S6 v) g
degree. I have written this as a useful guide for you. I have also written
+ f {7 R; W' Dthis to let prospective international students try and focus their own
- f3 n6 a" Q: C' M- V: P9 Fefforts properly, instead of wasting their energy sending me emails. Here
7 `; I3 ^1 x- d3 @are two sample letters. ( ?! X; h8 B: ^1 m- }
: q/ H$ V& ?' G" E" F3 ]+ nA sample letter that will never get the candidate an assistantship with me:
. O8 D( A8 {$ t, w) U9 R
$ H& u7 ~8 t# Z* j2 w9 X+ S D* L & b4 d2 u) U- Q" j# A/ m# |1 X/ W7 N$ t
Unwanted email
) p0 h" O5 n! k4 ?. ~# ^
/ m, b8 n3 C: p0 |( f8 e" |Respected sir,
1 j* p7 w1 ]# f: S- O, f7 V* x7 {4 R
$ }1 F. Z2 e, ^4 WI am very interested in going to the US for higher studies. I am seeking
! l8 ^) g- u3 M2 V* E8 A+ u8 y/ P, Cadmission and financial assistance in your esteemed University. I am very ; Y0 n( X9 V0 h/ d$ N
interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture. I have
- W, C# n* l" y4 @programming experience in C++, C and Java. I am also familiar with several % W8 N8 z- s* L
software packages in the Windows environment (MS Word, Excel Spreadsheet
6 l7 [# Z4 i; N6 Y; c0 O( Netc.). I also have networking certification from NOVELL. My GRE score is 3 ^5 A" ^! u8 [" u
2050, and I got 99 percentile in the TOEFL exam.
" @) g& @7 G8 Z
3 u0 J- w! _: P0 A# v- i JI request you to spare a few moments from your precious time to go through
% M; Z8 T: [8 L% R4 Hmy attached resume. & \7 V w( e P j9 v2 {6 g
! C+ n0 ?* R4 G" [; X) {( e# z/ _
Sir - if you are kind enough to offer me assistantship, I promise to work + [9 _" L6 c& }1 |1 r- a
very hard for you. I have a very good academic record since primary school.
; Y: i# L4 Q! p
o) w7 ?( A' D- L" s% |Alternately, can you tell me what are my chances of getting assistantship * H P7 [5 I6 a3 H6 }
from your department?
7 S0 E; X( `; C/ @3 e
; F* x, ?0 Z0 b: R5 S8 OCan you kindly inform me about the last dates for Summer term 2002 before 3 G) y% i# [" z2 y9 ^3 {, Y
which I can apply?
* o# g; p E" \3 M" J4 A
& f1 s+ m# g# V- Q% B( MThank you for your valuable time, n" C1 u1 a$ q/ r
& e" }- l% X+ w1 y5 f0 JYours obediently 5 A3 ]8 I( Y( \5 N5 j2 P3 D; C7 w
; B* d) z7 e5 Z: TABC 6 [) a5 n) r. K+ D* K7 h
% z c5 x% ?9 e+ g3 ^. s+ I
My comments: I simply delete these emails, which I consider garbage. The
: \$ `% `. W- ]" N, ?3 F, L5 R4 xperson seems to be too obsequious and flattering. In the emails that I do ( q x3 k/ W/ g/ V. d( \# k
read (occasionally), I do a first scan for keywords like "precious", 4 I. q4 y7 {0 v$ H y$ }+ l) V
"respected" etc. deleting the email if I find one. Obviously the person is . v; z: M: Z O" j% k4 m
not professional enough. The person is interested in artificial
$ J$ [- ?7 G3 u: ~intelligence and computer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas,
0 Z1 n g" N* o% I( \/ _5 omaking me think that he is trying to cover as many professors as possible 3 I M3 h* G; A; C0 D/ M1 D& J
to get aid from any possible source. Besides, he does not have anything in
9 @) \7 ?: Z5 M& h* ^8 u2 lsupport of his claim (about his interest in artificial intelligence). He
( ?0 B6 A9 E* S7 u2 M. T5 oemphasizes on his software skills, making me think that his goal is to get
! s! d8 f4 Z/ _) ^- b$ G9 N1 [; aa programming job in the US and higher studies is only to allow him access : }( c% N1 c1 C; J+ R: n! @& `0 j
to the US job market. His GRE scores are OK, but not exceptional. He asks 9 l; l4 C1 i0 `, ~8 P
me to tell him what his chances of getting an assistantship are, elsewhere
. c& O& n u! n& qin the department. I have absolutely no way of finding that out, and even
3 K7 m. ^$ K0 A) [& iif I knew, I would not bother to reply back. He also asks me to give him
+ V; T, {. N, m# Y, s8 \5 {* Zinformation about summer deadlines. How am I supposed to know that? (I
( X' H, g1 @: N* n; l1 H! m& [' I+ Pwould typically expect that this information should be available from the
3 L8 G1 C0 ?( r2 o$ ^7 A( o& DUniversity web site, or from the grad school, but my guess is as good as 4 E k; R6 R$ L# U6 Q* f. z
yours.) Finally, this letter is too generic. He probably uses exactly the 3 N3 @/ N: Y0 |
same format for hundreds of email letters to various professors throughout
* \) Q7 g0 @, c/ D0 X$ [the country, leaving no stone uncovered. I receive hundreds of email like 2 f* _' ~0 [; x
this. Regretfully, I cannot answer everyone, and these applications do not
4 a5 G. L4 K! w% einterest me at all.
! }, Z5 o$ ?0 X4 ^" z 6 @8 K7 e' N s: L9 X- o# I
- [: ~6 P0 ^. C, o 4 F# L& G- v7 N
I have even received emails from students asking me to evaluate their
2 q' @( L, q$ z- m! J8 Hchances of getting admission, based on their GRE scores, TOEFL scores and
9 U, z/ Q8 U* Y$ I1 X! v, b/ Q iGPA. Here is an example: , _( ]; l) }7 a+ ^; w# T; b; ?
/ l7 I! u. i1 s: D% |4 nHighly undesirable email
( A9 ?7 `5 t5 R1 x {
) U" t1 p6 a- u( i# y J( T+ zRespected Sir, ( ~/ J' m: o& t2 M2 ^/ [$ j& C
2 H, w% x, c/ {I am applying to a few US Universities for higher studies, including your 9 R5 m1 h; p& g+ I; \( p
esteemed University.
8 T u! d. N$ j8 G; \
3 ^0 b4 ^3 v( E/ @& X4 v* v0 @I am a fourth year electronics engineering student at XYZ University, 1 F y5 Q: S; E0 v- j' G
India. My undergraduate GPA is 3.2/4.0. I obtained 2000 in my GRE
+ a4 E z& P( ]) _9 g9 {examination (V: 500, Q: 800, A: 700), and 456 in the TOEFL.
; Z, u8 z' o7 x( e0 [+ G- `5 s $ o1 K) B( a5 ^9 _2 L7 J2 ^
Can you spare some valuable time to assist me in determining what my
7 ~) }: ^- ]' e+ d' V. i8 Qchances are for assistantship in your department and in other Universities? + H# }. ?" D$ u+ E
* ]% g; z; F: B/ y6 o2 @I will appreciate any help from you. % ?% Y7 d$ f! w+ x0 q
: m2 h* v# E ^- A# ^7 i4 ^
' _4 B+ A2 _. t$ f# ?4 M
" S. h1 ~, H/ j9 {5 U! }! b0 G1 n1 oPQR ; I4 D. p9 z% O0 m, |; ?, ]
) ^9 H6 b2 B2 x& N8 Z: Z
My comments: This letter is at least as bad as the previous one. It too 1 |( y: Y# ~! t
looks excessively obsequious and unprofessional with words like 'respected' + h7 V2 {5 [; l3 u2 e# m
0 c1 s$ C% d3 T( S3 nand 'esteemed'. I will not respond to queries like this, even if I could
+ L; t. G' u2 W0 V& bpossibly "detemine their chances". As I mentioned earlier, my mailbox gets 5 t7 w8 p% x7 k, d) L0 T
flooded with these queries such as this each week, and I have no time to
, J( X7 B7 i" y' I9 ?8 crespond. But more significantly, I do not have the slightest way of knowing : E o" \0 e9 _) `; G
, d# _' z) Z/ v K
this, not even in KSU EECE department, leave aside other Universities. You - H; d7 ]" G' m
are much better positioned to do that, based on your own peers' 6 i3 k- T0 Q! b; e& x
experiences. Take an example, how much information can you, as a student,
, G A& D5 }" F8 ^$ hgive me about the criterion for promotion from associate professor to full
7 d( ?1 E' g+ L0 Gprofessor in your University? Likewise, I have no idea what policies
7 E" i/ Z8 F+ w) u4 M# D% ugraduate schools in the US follow to admit/denying admission to prospective
$ E( f5 k2 K& X3 t c, T4 V; A# l$ O4 I& ?) B" V
students. I barely know the format of the GRE exam, leave aside TOEFL. I do * R" m3 {0 V1 _! o' A* M
* Q7 u Z8 n! U/ U: }
not have the slightest idea how to distinguish between a 'good' TOEFL score
6 Y& [7 o: h8 A( y5 P' G3 e0 J
% l! P, N; i: q* Qand a 'bad' one. Besides, I know that most Indian Universities do not 8 W7 T+ T x: P. T
follow a GPA system. His "GPA" is most likely inaccurate, obtained by ( U Z9 C8 c+ R' Q& K
applying some arbitrary conversion formula devised largely to scale up the
. v8 N }" h. p" eoverall percentage score. Use GPA to fill in the official admission form,
; ?. k8 k% Q: H" M, {, M9 \if you please, since there is no space for marks, but do not give that : E2 r$ B U( }! @1 ~( z
information to me unless your University actually follows a 4 point GPA
! M: X# \( @ _; msystem. (Unfortunately, I cannot distinguish a good percentage score from $ H/ ~ l% A3 W( h7 R* h
an average one either.)
- f; g4 J( c; o& \, a 9 M, U2 b, Z. l9 }8 |0 q, d+ H( a: N
) [, t; ]1 v! o* q1 k# R
. k3 L+ a/ S2 i1 J. m
I have even received letters with personal items unrelated to the 7 Q) u/ b1 _. _: I
profession - something which I consider to be highly negative (examples - 0 Y; P' @$ R! s' S3 p
"I looked at your family pictures in your homepage", or "I am from the same
8 H7 m$ t$ ?6 F4 m5 Q
+ L( y+ B8 L8 P; Apart of the country as you are" etc.). 8 x4 ?& ]% v; {) Y% O
1 m, Q8 S/ J. ^ [ 5 P# p; O1 Y0 S) u: B! l
5 M! d, }* U+ F) w) f( W+ ^Now, here is a letter that would DEFINITELY attract my attention:
, c4 n1 Z4 N6 t; I0 {2 R4 S% n3 O* f
8 _8 s, _7 X* V; ~Excellent email " E/ @# G$ I" J8 ]3 @& P; y
' w0 @4 P9 O; pDear Prof. Das, 7 ]0 A3 N/ B" d N
1 g1 p3 r, E' l/ ~. Q' N- X. OI am applying to KSU (amongst other places) for a Ph.D., and I am very 1 D6 k L- q6 Y
interested in your research areas. I would like to explore the possibility 4 G, _! S X& @$ x
of doing my research with you, with financial support.
' z" N0 W% U7 p6 P0 i! a: i1 I4 b
: V5 x8 G; g7 W# |9 p; QOne possible area that would interest me a lot is in applying Tikhonov 0 s+ T' ^) l# G8 O, T4 e& j w1 @
regularization to your problem in computational neuroscience, since I
* E0 u/ j& n: k9 \- o+ F8 tunderstand that neural data can be very noisy, and yet sparse. Alternately,
9 J5 H& | }0 C/ I( O
v4 R H- @7 E2 G3 T# ~4 aI am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithms to your genetic
4 c U1 W8 c0 Q7 ?3 Q4 p: T% Tneural network parameter estimation. One of my other interests in in ! ~7 a8 P4 [+ X. Q. j6 ~% F
parallel processing. Are you considering parallel implementations for any
2 i: u. E4 Z+ w3 o( b Y7 z3 a6 q3 ^of your optimization/estimation algorithms? Considering that the projects
7 _' @3 @1 R4 S; Rthat you list in your web site would probably be very computationally 8 f6 ^. V& a; L- E1 W# |* L5 B5 U
intensive, that may be a worthwhile strategy to pursue. 0 L1 d+ q: X2 m y
% o/ r7 i- p* j! X& `I presented a paper entitled "Hybrid Gradient Descent Based Training of
( `) O1 i+ R7 k4 o( H$ gProbabilistic Recurrent Networks" in the International Conference on Neural ; d/ c7 I. |& f& Q, d$ F
9 a- ~; {3 T# L7 u( Q4 S6 INetworks and Image Processing, Bangalore, last year. It is a reviewed . B9 S( y6 l% G* |1 P* K. B
publication. If have attached a copy of the article in pdf format. 3 D2 H/ t/ ^: I$ r" A" d
# B9 U6 _ O7 g |9 E2 ]If you have available funds, and are interested in my application please " d/ c1 k5 [" X8 t7 j4 a' n+ |
let me know soon.
8 l4 Q% M3 }" X, o( l: u" d2 b( a ! T! Q% a2 z G5 U y
$ W# T0 n' ^" q5 A* U
& }2 t. y' i: D$ d. ^My comments: This is a straightforward letter from someone with a genuine
: l3 B0 A j( b8 u4 L% {5 s9 Ninterest in my area. He is an exceptional candidate. He has evinced a keen 5 I' I( t3 L2 p. F; A9 M
desire to learn, and already has considerable mastery over my area of 1 Y( T3 E e; P+ P/ D
research. If I have any funding available, I would definitely try my very 7 K# F5 w# w& j% f# Y N2 p
BEST to get this person. This person may have an MS degree, while many
4 u E$ O2 b1 B0 w9 xapplicants have only a BS degree.# A3 v6 C6 g3 }4 c' C! Z( `4 N
4 }0 f1 |- c$ r: B- b[ 本帖最后由 北京的争争 于 2006-6-5 03:03 AM 编辑 ] |