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发表于 2010-3-15 01:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
咱不差钱,只是手头最近有点紧……所谓一文钱难倒英雄汉,但是人民的智慧是无穷的,没钱?好办,省着用就是了。至于怎么省,只要你愿意勒紧裤腰带,发挥想象力,还怕省不了个一块两块的。) C6 Y: ^1 _6 ^& ]& Z( Z5 X

; |9 T; I' x' `: G  最高雅的省钱:
" r) [" I5 m) I2 E- W4 C
% |, J/ S) F9 C1 s3 b8 d5 f  Getting so worked up by an exciting article that blood pressure goes up thereby increasing body temperature and reducing the need for heating。, N6 c* ^; z1 r. k1 f# Q
+ ~1 p. @- R( F6 J# ?# m6 n
  看一篇绝妙好文,因兴奋而血压升高,随即体温上升,暖气就可以开小一点了。# J, p# F( h1 p, Z- D
7 O0 W, \# v6 o* g
4 T$ O( D8 L5 `# R4 e
5 Y3 z+ a4 D9 N  Send the kids round to friends' houses around dinnertime. The advice is that it works best if they practice acting hungry first。
8 c1 J/ Z$ }' Z; C& S% |* y  P
0 L+ \: j. n/ h  W  吃晚饭的时候把小孩送到朋友家。如果之前彩排一遍,表演饿肚子会更有效果。% {( v5 @0 U- G

, C. o( O1 C# {  最旷日持久的省钱:
% J- l. V* `# {, m: h- [3 i# p. a% a; W% R6 Q6 q# |# i
  Pick up every coin you find. A couple who have spent the last 12 years picking up every coin they have ever found amassed £360,000.1 t) J. I, H5 J1 Z  f# J

# x  W2 ?* ]6 T3 ], k- s3 v/ `  捡起地上的每一枚硬币。一对夫妇由于在过去的12年间坚持不懈捡硬币,从而挣了360,000英镑。
! e( H0 w: ~- G6 ~1 Q$ d& o
' t  _* a. S+ C' v+ s! E  最环保的省钱:
. M0 Q% O  d$ c$ R; {2 H7 l' `& K! J1 H. ^- I6 A5 u( V
  Use your leftovers. Cut up used greetings cards and use the pieces to make new ones. With children going to a dozen parties every year it saves pounds。, p/ w3 z* s! @1 s, p. s
' m) [( m9 \0 A2 e$ ]
8 {- B+ [. z5 V( l
( d+ h: d+ ~: Q3 E  最有技术含量的省钱:
2 Q8 e5 `8 ]# Y
  @3 Y  E' d0 V  Hang onto the outside of the bus。
  E4 Z) N( q! g) U. g3 X0 T; g
! n- P) j- V" d' \. y  挂在公交车外面——这样就不用付车钱了。
8 X, O' l. F  [6 j+ t0 c/ u& m% ]1 A' H: s
4 s; ]# [, Y2 k1 \
" w; z9 y) }' }# I3 I  Take a bath once a year and save GBP30. Do it with a friend and save double。
* |( t3 D8 v* K  P. a. g! @$ W! @! N/ ^
4 @1 a0 s* |" e: [; N  一年就洗一次澡,可以省30英镑。跟一个朋友一起这样做,可以省双倍。/ u: T4 g+ v( y2 z

+ ^7 e  V) C" E/ {  最创新的省钱:5 h2 X( ^5 c- d/ v* E: m

. O* p" g. ?( b3 y5 j( u  Roasted dandelion root is an excellent coffee substitute (and it's
! K2 R: W, d3 t) w6 N& |  `& b5 ]4 g! E: v: P* e( y, S! j
  decaf)。0 p2 H& I: p6 x! z! G

- M2 K* L5 v  o6 a/ f) ~& y9 n' I  烤蒲公英根可以代替咖啡,而且还是无咖啡因的。
& l8 |) T7 T$ q/ V) m
, K0 H  T: [+ X  最辛苦的省钱:; E) Y* v$ j6 t) E% c
0 l% o0 |: ]. ^9 B. C( U, t4 w
  Brew your own beer and wine。
1 D% m! H) a2 [7 I) I& \
0 P) @: F5 L, F+ s( t& V. Y3 c  自己酿酒,丰衣足食。! X; K+ F8 w2 X3 B

$ r) |; w5 h$ I( C) M  最讲究“合作”的省钱:
. o1 c4 I7 }) f2 E- n: O7 c. V1 A4 d' d; d8 s
  Maximise the cats potential. Someone apparently "trained one cat to sit on knee and other to drape itself round neck, saving on heating."
/ H  U) E# V$ d4 R0 H, X+ `  s  S! _9 W: Y
) r4 T/ _6 g& v" D
2 z5 _- h" C: d+ U  最有科学精神的省钱:
, K" Z5 R! u2 c( ~7 q. D# P: D! C
% \9 j( ~0 H- {& j/ S, @  Don't flush every time.Save your wee in milk cartons, water down and use as a high nitrate fertiliser. Double save on fertiliser and water。6 [- g  j; B- d  s( v. M
9 u% p$ c$ D3 o) n6 o- a% A1 u. p
  不要每次上完厕所都冲水。在牛奶盒里小便,加水稀释,然后可以用作高硝酸盐含量的肥料。又省水,又省肥料。) [/ `  c  B$ m- }! q" B

. e% J& ]1 K7 M! u. O  最讲亲情的省钱:
% D  L3 T6 P+ N+ P8 E+ D7 m# U
3 p6 V- x( F, X: X1 r" e0 x4 A) u  Move back home with the parents。' a2 y$ d8 y. @/ x
$ ?! v& z4 ~4 R2 ~% `% N, h
  回家跟爸妈住。# }, s# a: W4 T! ]

2 J" \6 A8 ]' _! O( z- B  最逆向思维的省钱:
# P% Q) A/ D8 S* W1 I
9 J3 @5 v3 G& a# [0 F  Save money on carpeting by gluing a square of carpet onto each shoe。8 w$ m1 o5 u. l. Y( U

. c9 P* R) K% o6 Y$ K  不要买地毯,把小块的地毯用胶水粘在鞋底。
! h8 ]( E- O* Z1 i1 k, j) m6 g3 ^  d: B: U/ i/ T
7 n- l7 N1 I  b2 t+ D! k! v9 g
6 X% D. I! N! }( e- G0 e  Use carpet cast-offs. One who followed the tip said 'The floor was multicoloured but looked great and was all done for free because my dad had gone round the carpet shops and asked for any they were throwing out."
; W/ {, o' N8 J; q) T' s0 z, L. J; ^
0 E+ B6 c  d% K/ v9 x4 ?
6 S2 c  |; t2 R& U  {  最新潮的省钱:
  [3 ~! p1 L7 G. Q4 c* O1 l+ j) V; t- w' m$ N) F" w& y( o
  Holiday House swap。
! T( \/ C+ S5 i( l
( N  @9 G0 h7 K! k9 ~  度假的时候不要外出,跟别人换房子住就行了。
5 Z  K- A/ L- U6 @8 P% u4 p2 \2 U. P$ D! P% K
3 S) F, K% O& M
. m  P% f% }9 I. ~! N  If you're going out, turn your doorbell off to save on electricity bills。
" n6 ^( Z: }) w8 U; v! v0 }! c5 Y  }8 g
发表于 2010-3-15 22:57:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-19 11:39:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-19 11:39:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-19 11:39:54 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-3-19 12:02:41 | 显示全部楼层

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